
Academic Ethics Online Education Course


Academic Ethics Online Education Course - Graduate students are required to learn online and complete the test.

Our school has implemented "Academic Research Ethics Education" for master's (including in-service master's) and doctoral students (student ID starting with 106) from the 106th academic year onwards, in accordance with the "Implementation Guidelines for Academic Research Ethics Education Courses at Chaoyang University of Technology". Regardless of whether they are regular students, overseas students, foreign students, or mainland Chinese students, they should go to the " Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education" website to study the "Academic Research Ethics Education" course on their own and pass the online course test to obtain the "Course Completion Certificate". Only by presenting this "Course Completion Certificate" can they apply for the degree examination. Those who fail to pass are not eligible to apply for the degree examination.

Student login steps:

1 . Course Platform: Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education. https://ethics.moe.edu.tw/ (Please use Google Chrome browser)

2. Identity: Please choose “ Mandatory students ” as your status

3. School: Please choose Chaoyang University of Technology

4. Account: Your student ID (e.g. 106XXXXX), please do not register on your own, otherwise it will not be accepted

5 . Password: Last 5 digits of your student ID (e.g. XXXXX)

6. Please check " I'm not a robot.

7. Login. After logging in to the system for the first time, you must change your password immediately (for how to change the password, please refer to the following website https://ethics-s.moe.edu.tw/newuser/2/#).

